JANET MATSUDA (jmatsuda@matsudainc.com)
Janet Matsuda is the founder and president of M&A. She posses over 14 years experience managing a small business IT company is well aware of all facets of marketing IT services. She has a BS from George Mason University in Business Management specializing in Resource Management.
Ms. Matsuda is ultimately responsible all aspects of company management to include: operations, marketing, strategy, finance, human resources, and government reporting.
Ms. Matsuda is responsible for all day-to-day management activities of M&A.
· She is responsible all financial activities for M&A. This includes: approving and denying any issues regarding budgeting and finance; final say regarding budget allocations and initiative selection; accounting and payroll activities.
· She provides leadership in business and strategic planning to M&A. This includes but is not limited to forecasting, targeted business solutions and services, and sets organization goals for the company to follow.
· She organizes and administers the Human Resources Department. This involves providing all guidelines and polices and regulations that may effects company personnel. This includes the ultimate responsibility for hiring of, and firing of all employees in the company.